Friday, November 25, 2011

The reverse diet

Definition of diet: something short term. Because it’s used like 'I'm on a diet.' Like 'I'm on a trip.' Or 'I'm on a killing spree' so you come back from your trip/get your spree ended.

Alright the idea of this reverse diet is that you eat more, yes let me repeat: you eat more. ~5 meals a day. With exercises you maintain this lifestyle, until you are tired of it or decide to come off it. You stop and go back to 3 meals a day.

What happens is that now your body thinks that you are on a 'diet' and u are dieting eating 3 meals a day! Hence you might lose weight.

Disclaimer: I am no nutritionist, and I am just sharing my 'experience’. I eat 5 meals a day, but cause of work this past week, I did not have time to eat in between meals, and people told me I look smaller! This made me though of such theory!

The theory behind it

The athlete's diet

Many athletes eat like in 2hr intervals. Why do they do so? It is to provide a constant flow of energy. This is probably because they might have to perform at different times or they want to avoid injuries from lack of energy. Therefore, their body is constantly burning something to give them energy (metabolism increases).

Let us compare this with a regular diet one that I hear most often from peers.

· They skip breakfast (nothing to burn, hence body runs on 'low energy mode' )

· Feel hungry.

· Have lunch.

· Feel hungry around 4-5+ and bear with it until dinner. (body slows down again)

· Have dinner.

When you feel hungry, your body will adapt to it, burning less for energy, since they have to conserve it. They are not really smart to know what’s for dinner. So when you burn less, you have more surpluses. As your body is not an economy, surplus is not really a good thing.

So assuming that you consume a similar amount of calories from this diet, since you are eating small regular meals and your body is burning more, you are burning more calories!


1) Never skip breakfast – you want your body to start running ASAP
2) Eat small, regular meals – with around 2 hours intervals
3) Exercise, since you should feel energized throughout the day – no excuses

4) Eat properly, since this is still a diet.


Taking Caffeine

They give you energy (so you will get off your butt and hit the gym!). However, those sensitive to caffeine should beware. I take a cup of GREEN TEA when I get to work with NO SUGAR, NO MILK.

Go google ‘Benefits of caffeine’ to find out more

Swapping brown rice

I think this is the biggest swap, I heard white rice gives you more crap. So it is better to take brown rice. Brown rice could be harder, but just use more water when cooking it! It tastes the same, and you get that extra skin which I personally like, as it makes chewing more fun!

My meals:

0715 Breakfast

0900 Breakfast 2

1200 Lunch

1600-1700 Tea break

1800 Tea break 2 (if gym)

2000 Dinner (protein shakes before and after if gym)

2200 Dinner (if I went to the gym)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reasons the transport fares for polytechnic students is fair

I am so gonna get flamed for this.

Why am I doing this?
1. Cause I am very free (weekends are carefree when you are on internship)
2. to share some of my views and experience and
3. I decided to settle this once and for all and save people time from complaining about the government.

Alright, I am a year 3 student, and yes, I have already paid the 'large' amount of transport fees. Therefore, what I am about to say may not mean a lot.

But still, this is for the few who can find this and are still studying in a polytechnic.

Alright right now some polytechnics students are upset about paying S$30~ (S$60 if you take the bus and MRT) more compared to their JC peers for transport. ( in total, 30*36months = $1080 more, if you need to take train and bus, you might not be walking enough/you chose the school/location is not MOE related, I think)

So, here are some reasons the transport fees is not a big deal

1. Quantum of 'Investment' from our government

Alright if you still do not know, you(your parents) are paying 2.2k per academic year, when it is supposed to be almost around 18k without tuition grant. Honestly, I have not checked out Junior College fees, but my gut feel tells me that the amount should be lesser.

So you(your parents) are already saving 12k a month, seriously, what are you complaining about?

2. Quantum of financial aid - for poor students

Financial aids in polytechnic ( I am a Ngee Ann student ) are MORE than JC.

The MOE website seems to suggest, with around $500 per cap income, you get 750/yr.

In Ngee Ann, with $500 we qualify for 2 busary, MOE and CDC, giving us 900 * 2 = 1800/yr.

That is A LOT of difference.

3. quantum of scholarships

In polytechnics its the amount of your tuition, 2.2k, maybe more of 'book' money

In JC flat 750

Once again huge difference.

4. Internship

Many of the internship comes with compensation, meaning that you are allowed to earn money while studying, the amount can vary, 400/mth to 1000/mth.

5. School events/career opportunities

Need extra money? Commit a few hours on a school marketing event ( Open house, etc ) earn up to 10/hr, or work for the school by mending their facilities ( gyms ) and earn around 5-6/hr?

And people, being a student myself, I have already thought of many excuses (prices of food/ buy clothes to wear print notes etc etc) All those are pretty much lifestyle related, and I have not thought of any good argument, so why not stop complaining, and get back to projects?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Motivation VS Inspiration

Read an article about one of the Republican candidate, Herman Cain, who is an inspirational speaker and made a distinct differentiation of those two.

Motivation comes from within.

Inspiration comes from external sources.

Alright, so the million dollar question is, which one came first?

Its kinda like the chicken and egg thing, no one really knows. You could say, human was inspired by nature and created many things. Or you could say, human was motivated to create(make life easier) and looked at nature for inspiration.

Nevertheless, it does not matter, but we have to know, that it is a force. It causes you to 'move'. The thing is, you can spend thousands, attending talks and listen. You would get inspired, you are powered by one's motivation and you start 'moving'

If you do not become 'motivated' and start supplying the movement with your energy, you will stay there.

SO, if you wanna get somewhere if you are inspired, STAY motivated.

Then again...

With things like social networking, inspirational quotes are shared rapidly, and they come at you at such great amounts, and sometimes, even regarded as spam. What happens is that it makes you feel like you are a ball in a soccer field, 22 men are constantly moving you around, some lightly, and well, some pretty hard!

But at the end of the day, you wanna get to a goal, so when a right force hits you in the right direction of a goal. Go full force and get inside the goal!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Alright, there is this thought that have always been on my mind. And I just have to put it somewhere for people to see.

Why not twitter? Cause it kinda makes it insignificant.

Okay here is the big statement I am gonna make, its a VIEW of the world.

Many people call themselves different negative things, fat, ugly, stupid. As one who like to simplify things. BASICALLY, they can just call themselves lazy people.


One is ugly because he or she is lazy to do anything, do the hair, eye brows, or take care of their skin.

One is fat because he or she is lazy to exercise, make an effort to eat right.

One is stupid because he or she is lazy to put in effort to read up, do their homework.

First step for change is to accept that you have a problem. So let me get the ball rolling.

Okay, since many people are commenting on my singlehood, here goes:

I am single because I am lazy to maintain a relationship.

"People resign to fate, saying that they are only human and give in. It takes courage to overcome fear, not being fearless' - Green Lantern