Saturday, April 17, 2010

Making it big

What does it takes for you to turn that thought in your head into action?

An experience? Inspiration? or just that moment of rush?

You see, in my school, there are people who really are doing something with their lives-doing things to their potential, and there are people who just want to get by and get things over and done with.

When you were young, you want to do everything, but you dont have the ability to because your body is limited as it is still growing. When you grow up, your body is ready, but your mind is already too lazy to do anything. You go like : aiya next time la, now still young how to accomplish anything?! few more years, my time will come. You keep saying that until you are in your deathbed : maybe I'm not supposed to do anything big, thats not god's plan for me.

Talent, Do you need to be born with it?

Yes, I'll admit once in a while you see in the news a genius who can play instruemtns, solve some question at unbelieveable age. But please see again, if you were to follow their lives, did they make it big? They are just another one hit wonder. Ever wonder why some artists stay around for long while some die off after awhile. Its either their publicist really did a good job or else they simply just had passion for what they are doing. So how big a part does talent play in this? I would dare say minor.

School is starting for many people, in poly its a new chapter for everyone else, freshmens, graduates, those graduating and those in their 2nd year. No matter your past, I hope you start this new semester with a good mindset. Keep that passion burning!

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