Tuesday, September 8, 2009

so, today was supposed to be the release of results for Red Camp 6 SL, but.. sadly, nth was on the Ambassador's Website.

So i woke up and tried to entertain myself, watched an episode of How i met your mother and decided to go gym and get a haircut, or rather a trim, judging how long my hair is still, but neater.

on the bus i saw lai lai, but i decided to scare him, so i sit beside him until he woke up on his own LOL! I swear, that was the most epic moment I seen of him, he literally jumped.

So i head on to gym, and moments later realized melissa was there also haha,then later ade toh came along. Lunched, and set of to Bishan for my haircut!

During the haircut i heard this joke i like a lot:

In the past, Dogs are naked and humans wear a lot of clothings to cover.
Now, dogs are wearing more and more, the humans on the other hand, are wearing lesser and lesser

In the past, Chickens will wake human up( Ji Jiao Ren, Chicken Call Human )
Now, human call hookers ( Ren Jiao Ji, Human Call Chicken )

Funny how the times have changed eh?

Things happened over the past few days and the following came up in my mind:

If one does not have what you have, doesn't mean he does not have anything

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